President Yoon Requested to Reconsider the ‘Itaewon Special Act’, Exercised His Veto for the 5th Time (9th Bills)


Re: President Yoon Requested the National Assembly to Reconsider the ‘Itaewon Special Act’, Exercised His Veto for the 5th Time (9th Bills) In This Administration.


On the 30th, President Yoon Suk-yeol exercised his veto (right to request reconsideration) on the special bill to guarantee the rights of victims of the October 29 Itaewon disaster, investigate the truth, and prevent recurrence (abbreviated as Itaewon Special Act).

President Yoon approved the request for reconsideration of the Itaewon Special Act at a cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Han Deok-soo yesterday morning.

As a result, President Yoon exercised his right to request reconsideration for the fifth time (a total of 9 bills) in 1 year and 8 months since his inauguration, thereby abolishing a total of 6 bills (up to the third veto in Table 1 below).


윤석열 시사인사이드

Photo: Yonhap News


Specifically, the bills that President Yoon has exercised his right to request reconsideration to the National Assembly so far are as follows.


Table 1. The bills that President Yoon Suk Yeol vetoed

Cls. Date of Transfer to Government Date of Veto Rejected Bills Remark
1st Veto 2023. 3. 31. 2023. 4. 3. ①Grain Management Act The bill was abolished
2nd Veto 2023. 5. 4. 2023. 5. 16. ②Nursing Act Enactment Proposal
3rd Veto 2023. 11. 17. 2023. 12. 1. ③Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act (Yellow Envelope Law), ④Broadcasting Act·⑤Broadcasting Culture Promotion Association Act·⑥Korea Educational Broadcasting Corporation Act(3 Broadcasting Acts)
4th Veto 2024. 1. 4. 2024. 1. 5. ⑦A bill on the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the alleged manipulation of the stock price of Deutsche Motors by Presidential spouse Kim Keon-hee (Special Prosecutor for Kim Keon-hee Act),
⑧A bill regarding the appointment of a special prosecutor to uncover the truth about the ‘5 billion won club’ bribery suspicion case (5 billion won club special prosecution law)
Pending in the National Assembly
5th Veto 2024. 1. 19. 2024. 1. 30. ⑨special bill to guarantee the rights of victims of the October 29 Itaewon disaster, investigate the truth, and prevent recurrence (Itaewon Special Act)

Source: National Assembly, Korea Legislation Research Institute


If the President has an objection to a bill passed by the National Assembly, he may request reconsideration (veto) by the National Assembly by submitting a written objection within 15 days (Article 52, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea).

In this case, if a majority of the members of the National Assembly are present and re-decided with the approval of at least two-thirds of the members present, the bill will be finalized as it is (Article 53 (4) of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea).

However, if it is rejected by the National Assembly’s re-decision, the bill will be discarded.

For reference, there have been a total of 25 vetoes by previous presidents since democratization, nine of which were exercised by the President of Yoon Suk Yeol (see Table 2 below). 


Table 2. Contents of previous presidential vetoes after democratization (16 cases in total)

President Number of Bills Rejected Rejected Bills Remark
Roh Tae-woo 7 ①Inspection and Investigation Of State Administration Act, ②Testimony and Appraisal before National Assembly Act, ③Compensation for Dismissed Public Officials Act (Bills vetoed so far in 1988), ④Local Autonomy Act, ⑤Labor Disputes Adjustment Act, ⑥Labor Union Act, ⑦Medical Insurance Act (Bills vetoed so far in  1989) All of the bills were abolished
Kim Young-sam 0
Kim Dae-jung 0
Roh Moo-hyun 6 ①Special Bill on the Remittance to North Korea, ②Special Act on Corruption Investigation of President Roh Moo-hyun’s Close Members (Bills vetoed so far in 2003), ③Amnesty Act, ④Special Act on the Geochang Incident (Bills vetoed so far in 2004), ⑤Pacific War Victims Support Act (2007), ⑥Special Act on Refund of School Land Charges (2008) Bill No. ② was passed in National Assembly, and all other bills were abolished
Lee Myung-bak 1 ①Support and Promotion of Use of Public Transportation Act(Aka Taxi Law, 2013) The bill was abolished
Park Geun-hye 2 ①National Assembly Act (2015), ②National Assembly Act (2016) All of the bills were abolished
65th and 66th veto in constitutional history
Moon Jae-in 0

Source: National Assembly, Korea Legislation Research Institute
Note: Among the vetoes in constitutional history, the 8th veto of the House of Councilors of the 5th National Assembly (parliamentary government system) is excluded.


Meanwhile, regarding President Yoon’s veto of the Itaewon Special Act, the People’s Power Party (PPP) stated, “It is an inevitable choice to confront the opposition party’s anti-democratic legislative runaway and political maneuvering,” and the Democratic Party strongly criticized the current Yoon government and PPP as “unjustifiable veto.”



Korean version>>

尹대통령 이태원 특별법 재의 요구, 이번 정부 들어 다섯 번째, 법안 수론 9건째 거부권 행사


30일 윤석열 대통령이 ’10·29 이태원 참사 피해자 권리보장과 진상규명 및 재발방지를 위한 특별법안(약칭 이태원 특별법)에 거부권(재의요구권)을 행사했다.

윤 대통령은 어제 오전 한덕수 총리 주재로 열린 국무회의에서 이태원 특별법에 대한 재의요구안이 의결되자 이를 재가했다.

이로써 윤 대통령은 취임 이후 1년 8개월 만에 다섯 번째(총 9개 법안) 재의요구권을 행사함으로써 총 6개의 법안(아래 표 1에서 세 번째 거부권까지)을 폐기했다.


윤석열 시사인사이드

사진: 연합뉴스


구체적으로 지금까지 윤 대통령이 재의요구권을 행사한 법안은 다음과 같다.


표 1. 윤석열 대통령 거부권 행사 법안들

구분 정부 이송 거부권 행사 거부 법안 비고
첫 번째 2023. 3. 31. 2023. 4. 3. ①양곡관리법 국회 재의결 부결(폐기)
두 번째 2023. 5. 4. 2023. 5. 16. ②간호법 제정안
세 번째 2023. 11. 17. 2023. 12. 1. ③노동조합 및 노동관계조정법(노란봉투법), ④방송법·⑤방송문화진흥회법·⑥한국교육방송공사법(방송 3법)
네 번째 2024. 1. 4. 2024. 1. 5. ⑦대통령 배우자 김건희의 도이치모터스 주가조작 의혹 진상규명을 위한 특별검사 임명 등에 관한 법률안(김건희 특검법),
⑧화천대유 ‘50억 클럽’ 뇌물 의혹 사건의 진상규명을 위한 특별검사의 임명 등에 관한 법률안(50억 클럽 특검법)
국회 계류 중
다섯 번째 2024. 1. 19. 2024. 1. 30. ⑨10·29 이태원 참사 피해자 권리보장과 진상규명 및 재발방지를 위한 특별법안(이태원 특별법)

자료: 국회 의안정보시스템


대통령이 국회를 통과한 법률안에 이의가 있을 때에는 15일 이내 이의서를 붙여 국회에 재의를 요구(거부권)할 수 있다(대한민국 헌법 제52조 제2항).

이 경우 국회 재적의원 과반수의 출석과 출석의원 3분의 2 이상의 찬성으로 재(再)의결하면 그대로 법률안이 확정된다(대한민국 헌법 제53조 제4항).

그런데 만약, 국회 再의결에서 부결(否決)되면 해당 법안은 폐기된다.

참고로 민주화 이후 현재까지 역대 대통령들의 거부권 행사는 총 25건이며, 이 중 9건이 윤석열 대통령이 행사한 것이다(아래 표 2 참고).


표 2. 민주화 이후, 역대 대통령 거부권 행사 내용(총 16건)

대통령 거부한 법안 수 거부 법안 비고
노태우 7 ①국정감사 및 조사에 관한 법률, ②국회에서의 증언·감정 등에 관한 법률, ③해직공직자보상특별법(이상 1988), ④지방자치법, ⑤노동쟁의조정법, ⑥노조법, ⑦의료보험법(이상 1989) 모두 폐기
김영삼 0
김대중 0
노무현 6 ①대북송금 특검법, ②노무현 대통령 측근 비리 특검법(이상 2003), ③사면법, ④거창사건 특별법(이상 2004), ⑤태평양전쟁 희생자 지원법(2007), ⑥학교용지부담금환급 특별법(2008) ②는 국회에서 재의결,
이외 건은 모두 폐기
이명박 1 ①대중교통 육성 및 이용촉진법(일명 택시법, 2013) 폐기
박근혜 2 ①국회법(2015), ②국회법(2016) 모두 폐기
헌정사상 65, 66번째 
문재인 0

자료: 국회 의안정보시스템
주: 헌정사상 거부권 중, 5대 국회(의원내각제) 참의원의 8회 거부권은 제외


한편 이번 윤 대통령의 이태원 특별법 거부권 행사와 관련해 국민의힘은 “더불어민주당을 비롯한 야당의 반민주적 입법 폭주와 정치공작에 맞서기 위한 불가피한 선택”이라고 밝혔고, 더불어민주당은 “정당성 없는 거부권”이라고 현 정부와 국민의힘을 강하게 비판했다.




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