진짜 어렵다! 생명보험 해약환급금 전년 대비 10조 넘게 증가, 사상 최고?


생명보험 해약환급금이 전년 동기 대비 10조 넘게 증가했다.

생명보험협회의 월간생명보험통계에 따르면, 올해 9월말(3분기)까지의 해약환급금(이를 ‘해지환급금’이라고도 함)은 34.5조이다.

이는 전년 동기 대비 10.1조 정도 증가한 수치이며, 과거 몇 년간의 수치와 비교해도 압도적인 규모다. 


그래프 1. 생명보험 해약환급금 트렌드

보험 해약환급금

데이터) 생명보험협회


물론 지난해 9월(3분기) 해약환급금도 24.3조로 2021년 대비 크게 증가한 수치였다. 그러나 올해는 자난해와 비교할 수 없을 정도로 수직 상승했다. 

그리고 이런 상승세가 연말까지 이어질 가능성이 적지 않다.

생보협회의 통계를 분석해보면, 4분기(10월~12월) 동안 증가하는 해약환급금은 3분기까지의 누계액의 34.4% 정도다(2022년을 제외한 평균). 

가장 보수적인 시각에서, 올해 3분기 수치에 이 증가율을 적용하면 지난해 해약환급금보다 약 2조 정도 증가한다. 그러나 만약 올해 4분기에 2022년과 유사한 수준의 증가율이 유지될 경우 해약환급금 규모는 약 60조가 넘어갈 수 있다. 

참고로, 외환 위기였던 1997년의 환급금(보험금 제외, 해약환급금 이외에도 효력상실환급금 등이 포함된 금액) 수준은 약 34조(FY1997 기준), 2008년 금융위기 때에는 약 18조(FY2008 기준)였다.


표 1. 생보 해약환급금 추세: 매년 1월~9월까지 vs. 1월~12월까지(단위 억)

연도 1월~9월(A) 1월~12월(B) 4Q 증가액(B-A) 증가율(B/A-1%)
2022 243,309 443,719 200,410 82.4%
2021 197,332 264,480 67,148 34.0%
2020 207,500 274,899 67,399 32.5%
2019 200,191 269,035 68,844 34.4%
2018 191,019 258,135 67,116 35.1%
2017 164,550 221,086 56,536 34.4%
2016 146,419 200,118 53,699 36.7%

데이터) 생명보험협회


생보사별로 보면(아래 표 1), 푸본현대와 교보라이프플래닛을 제외한 모든 회사들의 해약환급금이 전년 동기 대비 두 자릿수 이상 크게 증가했다.

참고로 푸본현대와 교보라이프플래닛의 경우 예년과 달리 2022년 해약환급금이 크게 증가했었다.


표 2. 각 생보사별 해약환급금 규모(단위: 억)

회사 2022. 9.(A) 2023. 9.(B) 증감액(B-A) 증감률(B/A-1%)
한화 27,140 40,336 13,197 48.6%
ABL 8,712 9,807 1,095 12.6%
삼성 49,150 77,383 28,232 57.4%
흥국 11,192 12,615 1,423 12.7%
교보 32,563 39,230 6,667 20.5%
DGB 2,232 9,652 7,420 332.5%
미래에셋 5,149 6,388 1,239 24.1%
KDB 7,927 10,484 2,557 32.3%
DB 2,605 3,935 1,330 51.1%
동양 13,787 16,933 3,146 22.8%
메트라이프 2,978 9,839 6,861 230.4%
신한라이프 19,041 26,576 7,534 39.6%
처브라이프 301 727 426 141.7%
하나 1,821 4,826 3,005 165.0%
KB라이프 12,136 14,737 2,601 21.4%
BNP파리바카디프 377 2,128 1,751 464.1%
푸본현대 11,548 8,388 -3,160 -27.4%
라이나 633 1,978 1,344 212.3%
AIA 3,946 4,283 337 8.6%
IBK 5,954 6,699 745 12.5%
NH농협 22,557 36,943 14,386 63.8%
교보라이프플래닛 1,561 669 -892 -57.1%
전사 합계 243,309 344,557 101,248 41.6%

데이터) 생명보험협
주) 일반계정 기준, M&A 효과 반영



English version>>

The economy is really TOUGH! Life insurance cancellation refunds have increased by more than 10 trillion won compared to the previous year, Highest Ever?


Life insurance cancellation refunds (or surrender refunds) increased by more than 10 trillion won compared to the same period last year.

According to the Life Insurance Association’s monthly life insurance statistics, the cancellation refund (also referred to as the “termination refund”) until the end of September this year (3Q) is 34.5 trillion won.

This is an increase of 10.1 trillion won compared to the same period last year, and it is an overwhelming scale even compared to the figures in the past few years.

Graph 1. Life insurance cancellation refund trend

Data) Korea Life Insurance Association (KLIA)


Of course, last year’s September (Q3) refunds were also up significantly from 2021, at $24.3 trillion, but this year has seen an unparalleled vertical rise.

And this rise is likely to continue until the end of the year.

According to KLIA’s statistics, the increase in cancellation refunds during the fourth quarter (October to December) is about 34.4% of the accumulated amount until the third quarter (average excluding 2022).

At the most conservative end of the spectrum, applying this growth rate to this year’s third-quarter numbers, surrenders are about $2 trillion higher than last year’s surrenders. However, if the fourth quarter of this year continues to grow at a similar rate to 2022, surrenders could reach more than $60 trillion.

For reference, the level of refunds (excluding insurance benefits and including lapse refunds in addition to surrender refunds) in 1997, the year of the foreign exchange crisis, was about 34 trillion won (FY1997), and during the 2008 financial crisis, about 18 trillion won (FY2008).


Table 1. Trend of life insurance cancellation refund: January to September every year vs. January to December (unit: KRW 100 million)

Year Jan~Sept(A) Jan~Dec(B) 4Q Growth(B-A) Growth%(B/A-1%)
2022 243,309 443,719 200,410 82.4%
2021 197,332 264,480 67,148 34.0%
2020 207,500 274,899 67,399 32.5%
2019 200,191 269,035 68,844 34.4%
2018 191,019 258,135 67,116 35.1%
2017 164,550 221,086 56,536 34.4%
2016 146,419 200,118 53,699 36.7%

Data) KLIA


By life insurance company (Table 1 below), cancellation refunds for all companies except Fubon Hyundai and Kyobo Life Planet increased by more than double digits compared to the same period last year.

For reference, in the case of Fubon Hyundai and Kyobo Life Planet, unlike previous years, the cancellation refund amount increased significantly in 2022.


Table 2. Amount of cancellation refund for each life insurance company (unit: KRW 100 million)

Insurer 2022. 9.(A) 2023. 9.(B) B-A B/A-1%
Hanwha 27,140 40,336 13,197 48.6%
ABL 8,712 9,807 1,095 12.6%
Samsung 49,150 77,383 28,232 57.4%
Heungkuk 11,192 12,615 1,423 12.7%
Kyobo 32,563 39,230 6,667 20.5%
DGB 2,232 9,652 7,420 332.5%
MiraeAsset 5,149 6,388 1,239 24.1%
KDB 7,927 10,484 2,557 32.3%
DB 2,605 3,935 1,330 51.1%
Tongyang 13,787 16,933 3,146 22.8%
MetLife 2,978 9,839 6,861 230.4%
ShinhanLife 19,041 26,576 7,534 39.6%
ChubbLife 301 727 426 141.7%
Hana 1,821 4,826 3,005 165.0%
KBLife 12,136 14,737 2,601 21.4%
BNP Paribas Cardif 377 2,128 1,751 464.1%
PubonHyundai 11,548 8,388 -3,160 -27.4%
Lina 633 1,978 1,344 212.3%
AIA 3,946 4,283 337 8.6%
IBK 5,954 6,699 745 12.5%
NH 22,557 36,943 14,386 63.8%
KyoboLifePlanet 1,561 669 -892 -57.1%
Industry Total 243,309 344,557 101,248 41.6%

Data) KLIA
Note) General Account Only, Reflect M&A effects




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