그데 뉴스: 세계 반도체 매출 회복세, 11월 기준 480억 달러로 전년 대비 5.3% 상승


(그래픽·데이터 뉴스) 전 세계 반도체 시장의 매출이 회복하고 있는 것으로 조사됐다. 

미국반도체산업협회(SIA, Semiconductor Industry Association)에 따르면, 전 세계 반도체 시장의 매출이 지난해 2월(397.0억 달러)을 저점으로 꾸준하게 회복하고 있는 것으로 나타났다(아래 그래프 1 참고). 

특히, 최종 데이터인 지난해 11월 기준, 전 세계 반도체 시장의 매출은 479.8억 달러로 2022년 11월 455.8억 달러 대비 5.3% 상승했다(아래 표1 참고).

지역별로는 중국이 144.6억 달러로 전년 동기 대비 가장 크게 상승(7.6%)했다.

한편, 여러 경제 전망 보고서는 물론 대부분의 전문가들이 올해 반도체 시장을 낙관적으로 전망하고 있다.


그래프 1. 전 세계 반도체 시장 매출 추이(단위: 억 달러)

전세계 반도체시장규모 시사인사이드

자료: Semiconductor Industry Association
주: 1) 데이터 정리 과정에 Human error가 포함됐을 수 있음
     2) 세부 데이터는 ‘표 2’ 참고


표 1. 전년 동기 대비 반도체 매출 변화(단위: 억 달러, %) 

年月 미주 유럽 일본 중국 아시아/태평양 등 전 세계
2022-11 121.7 44.8 40.2 134.4 114.7 455.8
2023-11 126.0 47.3 39.1 144.6 122.9 479.8
 증감(%) 3.5 5.6 -2.8 7.6 7.1 5.3

자료: Semiconductor Industry Association
주: 데이터 정리 과정에 Human error가 포함됐을 수 있음


표 2. 전 세계 반도체 매출 추이(단위: 억 달러)

年月 미주 유럽 일본 중국 아시아/태평양 등 전 세계
2015-01 65.1 29.5 26.2 NA 164.7 285.5
2015-02 62.3 28.8 25.5 NA 160.8 277.4
2015-03 58.1 29.6 25.5 78.3 85.7 277.0
2015-04 56.1 28.9 25.4 77.7 87.4 275.6
2015-05 56.2 28.7 25.4 80.8 90.0 281.1
2015-06 55.3 28.3 25.7 81.3 89.4 279.9
2015-07 55.1 28.3 26.3 81.8 87.1 278.7
2015-08 56.0 28.1 26.7 82.3 85.7 278.8
2015-09 58.2 28.7 26.9 84.5 85.8 284.1
2015-10 60.5 29.1 27.0 85.8 87.5 289.7
2015-11 60.7 29.3 26.8 86.7 85.3 288.8
2015-12 57.5 27.7 25.7 84.5 80.8 276.2
2016-01 54.1 27.1 24.9 84.2 78.6 268.9
2016-02 50.3 26.6 24.7 80.4 78.8 260.8
2016-03 48.9 26.7 25.9 79.5 80.5 261.5
2016-04 47.8 26.4 25.9 78.0 80.6 258.9
2016-05 47.9 26.3 25.5 80.9 79.8 260.5
2016-06 49.4 26.8 25.2 82.9 79.5 263.8
2016-07 51.0 26.9 26.0 86.1 81.1 271.3
2016-08 54.3 27.1 27.3 89.9 83.5 282.2
2016-09 56.8 27.6 28.1 94.7 87.1 294.3
2016-10 60.6 28.2 28.9 97.8 88.8 304.3
2016-11 62.5 28.8 29.0 100.4 89.4 310.2
2016-12 63.3 28.0 28.4 101.7 88.6 310.1
2017-01 61.4 28.4 27.9 101.6 87.3 306.4
2017-02 60.0 28.2 27.5 100.5 87.7 303.8
2017-03 59.6 29.6 28.4 100.6 90.2 308.4
2017-04 60.8 29.9 28.8 101.2 92.1 312.8
2017-05 62.7 31.1 29.5 102.5 94.3 319.9
2017-06 65.9 31.6 29.8 104.0 95.0 326.3
2017-07 69.4 32.0 30.4 106.8 97.7 336.3
2017-08 75.5 32.2 31.3 110.8 99.8 349.6
2017-09 79.9 32.8 31.4 113.6 101.8 359.5
2017-10 85.4 33.6 32.0 116.5 103.3 370.9
2017-11 87.7 34.2 32.1 119.0 103.9 376.9
2017-12 89.5 33.7 32.4 120.1 104.1 379.9
2018-01 86.3 34.1 32.1 120.1 103.5 376.0
2018-02 82.5 34.4 31.8 117.1 101.8 367.7
2018-03 80.9 36.0 32.1 119.9 102.1 371.0
2018-04 81.6 36.5 32.9 123.8 101.3 376.1
2018-05 82.4 37.0 33.5 131.6 102.7 387.2
2018-06 83.4 36.7 33.9 135.9 103.2 393.1
2018-07 83.9 35.6 33.9 138.0 103.6 395.0
2018-08 88.3 35.4 34.1 143.1 105.8 406.6
2018-09 95.0 35.8 34.0 145.3 106.1 416.2
2018-10 98.5 36.4 34.1 145.1 107.1 421.1
2018-11 95.8 36.4 33.9 138.2 106.7 411.1
2018-12 84.0 34.7 33.2 127.1 103.3 382.2
2019-01 73.1 34.4 31.6 116.2 99.5 354.8
2019-02 63.6 33.8 29.9 107.1 94.3 328.7
2019-03 60.5 34.3 28.5 110.3 92.6 326.2
2019-04 58.6 33.7 28.6 112.8 90.8 324.4
2019-05 59.2 33.5 28.8 118.8 90.0 330.4
2019-06 58.9 32.7 29.7 117.3 90.0 328.6
2019-07 60.9 32.8 30.0 118.8 93.0 335.5
2019-08 64.0 32.7 30.7 121.0 96.9 345.3
2019-09 67.3 33.6 31.2 126.3 99.4 357.9
2019-10 73.1 33.8 31.5 130.2 99.9 368.4
2019-11 75.2 33.6 31.2 130.2 98.4 368.5
2019-12 75.3 32.1 30.5 127.7 96.0 361.7
2020-01 73.7 32.4 29.9 122.2 95.2 353.4
2020-02 72.9 32.6 29.4 115.5 94.8 345.3
2020-03 73.7 33.9 28.8 115.2 96.8 348.5
2020-04 72.7 31.1 28.5 117.7 93.7 343.8
2020-05 73.6 28.8 28.6 123.0 91.6 345.5
2020-06 76.3 27.0 28.9 122.1 90.4 344.7
2020-07 77.1 27.8 29.9 123.0 94.5 352.3
2020-08 78.9 29.3 30.3 125.9 99.4 363.8
2020-09 80.2 30.3 30.7 134.8 102.4 378.4
2020-10 85.0 32.4 31.2 138.5 106.5 393.6
2020-11 89.3 33.8 32.9 139.0 107.5 402.4
2020-12 87.7 33.9 33.1 132.8 108.8 396.3
2021-01 85.6 34.5 32.7 136.9 110.5 400.3
2021-02 81.3 34.8 31.6 136.6 112.2 396.4
2021-03 82.1 36.8 32.5 143.5 116.3 411.1
2021-04 84.1 37.5 33.6 147.7 117.6 420.5
2021-05 89.1 38.3 34.5 156.1 121.1 439.0
2021-06 93.7 39.1 35.3 157.9 122.5 448.5
2021-07 98.0 38.7 36.3 159.6 124.0 456.7
2021-08 103.3 39.5 37.6 165.7 127.2 473.2
2021-09 107.8 40.3 38.4 168.6 129.7 484.8
2021-10 110.4 41.5 39.0 169.5 131.0 491.4
2021-11 115.3 42.9 39.5 170.2 133.1 500.9
2021-12 121.4 43.0 39.4 171.6 133.2 508.5
2022-01 120.0 44.4 38.9 170.4 133.7 507.4
2022-02 116.8 45.1 38.6 166.7 133.2 500.4
2022-03 115.0 46.3 39.1 168.3 137.1 505.8
2022-04 119.7 44.7 39.9 166.7 138.5 509.4
2022-05 123.3 44.1 41.3 168.7 139.1 516.5
2022-06 121.1 43.5 40.9 162.4 133.8 501.7
2022-07 118.4 44.7 41.1 156.7 129.1 490.0
2022-08 114.8 45.2 40.3 148.7 123.3 472.4
2022-09 120.3 45.2 40.5 144.1 119.9 470.0
2022-10 123.3 45.3 40.6 142.0 118.3 469.4
2022-11 121.7 44.8 40.2 134.4 114.7 455.8
2022-12 114.0 44.6 40.0 126.8 110.7 436.1
2023-01 105.1 44.8 39.2 116.6 107.7 413.3
2023-02 99.5 44.7 39.0 109.7 104.0 397.0
2023-03 96.1 46.0 38.6 111.0 106.7 398.3
2023-04 95.4 45.7 38.9 114.8 106.1 401.0
2023-05 97.3 47.0 39.2 120.0 108.4 411.8
2023-06 103.5 47.1 39.7 124.2 107.9 422.3
2023-07 110.0 47.3 39.3 127.4 108.2 432.2
2023-08 115.1 46.8 39.2 129.9 109.5 440.4
2023-09 117.9 48.2 39.1 130.5 113.2 448.9
2023-10 121.3 48.3 39.3 138.5 118.7 466.2
2023-11 126.0 47.3 39.1 144.6 122.9 479.8

자료: Semiconductor Industry Association
주: 데이터 정리 과정에 Human error가 포함됐을 수 있음



Executive Summary>>

(Graphic and Data News) Global semiconductor sales are recovering, reaching $47.98 billion as of November 2023, up 5.3% from the previous year


(Graphics and Data News) It was found that sales in the global semiconductor market are recovering.

According to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), sales in the global semiconductor market have been steadily recovering from its low point in February of last year ($39.7 billion) (see Graph 1 below).

In particular, as of November last year, the final data, sales in the global semiconductor market were $47.98 billion, up 5.3% from $45.58 billion in November 2022 (see Table 1 below).

By region, China recorded the largest increase (7.6%) compared to the same period last year at $14.46 billion.

Meanwhile, most experts, as well as several economic forecast reports, are optimistic about the semiconductor market this year.


Table 1. Change in semiconductor sales compared to the same period last year (unit: 000 million dollars, %)

YY-MM Americas Europe Japan China Asia Pacific/All other Worldwide
2022-11 121.7 44.8 40.2 134.4 114.7 455.8
2023-11 126.0 47.3 39.1 144.6 122.9 479.8
 Growth% 3.5 5.6 -2.8 7.6 7.1 5.3

Source: Semiconductor Industry Association
Note: Human error may have been included in the data entry process.


Table 2. Global semiconductor sales trends (unit: 000 million dollars)

YY-MM Americas Europe Japan China Asia Pacific/All other Worldwide
2015-01 65.1 29.5 26.2 NA 164.7 285.5
2015-02 62.3 28.8 25.5 NA 160.8 277.4
2015-03 58.1 29.6 25.5 78.3 85.7 277.0
2015-04 56.1 28.9 25.4 77.7 87.4 275.6
2015-05 56.2 28.7 25.4 80.8 90.0 281.1
2015-06 55.3 28.3 25.7 81.3 89.4 279.9
2015-07 55.1 28.3 26.3 81.8 87.1 278.7
2015-08 56.0 28.1 26.7 82.3 85.7 278.8
2015-09 58.2 28.7 26.9 84.5 85.8 284.1
2015-10 60.5 29.1 27.0 85.8 87.5 289.7
2015-11 60.7 29.3 26.8 86.7 85.3 288.8
2015-12 57.5 27.7 25.7 84.5 80.8 276.2
2016-01 54.1 27.1 24.9 84.2 78.6 268.9
2016-02 50.3 26.6 24.7 80.4 78.8 260.8
2016-03 48.9 26.7 25.9 79.5 80.5 261.5
2016-04 47.8 26.4 25.9 78.0 80.6 258.9
2016-05 47.9 26.3 25.5 80.9 79.8 260.5
2016-06 49.4 26.8 25.2 82.9 79.5 263.8
2016-07 51.0 26.9 26.0 86.1 81.1 271.3
2016-08 54.3 27.1 27.3 89.9 83.5 282.2
2016-09 56.8 27.6 28.1 94.7 87.1 294.3
2016-10 60.6 28.2 28.9 97.8 88.8 304.3
2016-11 62.5 28.8 29.0 100.4 89.4 310.2
2016-12 63.3 28.0 28.4 101.7 88.6 310.1
2017-01 61.4 28.4 27.9 101.6 87.3 306.4
2017-02 60.0 28.2 27.5 100.5 87.7 303.8
2017-03 59.6 29.6 28.4 100.6 90.2 308.4
2017-04 60.8 29.9 28.8 101.2 92.1 312.8
2017-05 62.7 31.1 29.5 102.5 94.3 319.9
2017-06 65.9 31.6 29.8 104.0 95.0 326.3
2017-07 69.4 32.0 30.4 106.8 97.7 336.3
2017-08 75.5 32.2 31.3 110.8 99.8 349.6
2017-09 79.9 32.8 31.4 113.6 101.8 359.5
2017-10 85.4 33.6 32.0 116.5 103.3 370.9
2017-11 87.7 34.2 32.1 119.0 103.9 376.9
2017-12 89.5 33.7 32.4 120.1 104.1 379.9
2018-01 86.3 34.1 32.1 120.1 103.5 376.0
2018-02 82.5 34.4 31.8 117.1 101.8 367.7
2018-03 80.9 36.0 32.1 119.9 102.1 371.0
2018-04 81.6 36.5 32.9 123.8 101.3 376.1
2018-05 82.4 37.0 33.5 131.6 102.7 387.2
2018-06 83.4 36.7 33.9 135.9 103.2 393.1
2018-07 83.9 35.6 33.9 138.0 103.6 395.0
2018-08 88.3 35.4 34.1 143.1 105.8 406.6
2018-09 95.0 35.8 34.0 145.3 106.1 416.2
2018-10 98.5 36.4 34.1 145.1 107.1 421.1
2018-11 95.8 36.4 33.9 138.2 106.7 411.1
2018-12 84.0 34.7 33.2 127.1 103.3 382.2
2019-01 73.1 34.4 31.6 116.2 99.5 354.8
2019-02 63.6 33.8 29.9 107.1 94.3 328.7
2019-03 60.5 34.3 28.5 110.3 92.6 326.2
2019-04 58.6 33.7 28.6 112.8 90.8 324.4
2019-05 59.2 33.5 28.8 118.8 90.0 330.4
2019-06 58.9 32.7 29.7 117.3 90.0 328.6
2019-07 60.9 32.8 30.0 118.8 93.0 335.5
2019-08 64.0 32.7 30.7 121.0 96.9 345.3
2019-09 67.3 33.6 31.2 126.3 99.4 357.9
2019-10 73.1 33.8 31.5 130.2 99.9 368.4
2019-11 75.2 33.6 31.2 130.2 98.4 368.5
2019-12 75.3 32.1 30.5 127.7 96.0 361.7
2020-01 73.7 32.4 29.9 122.2 95.2 353.4
2020-02 72.9 32.6 29.4 115.5 94.8 345.3
2020-03 73.7 33.9 28.8 115.2 96.8 348.5
2020-04 72.7 31.1 28.5 117.7 93.7 343.8
2020-05 73.6 28.8 28.6 123.0 91.6 345.5
2020-06 76.3 27.0 28.9 122.1 90.4 344.7
2020-07 77.1 27.8 29.9 123.0 94.5 352.3
2020-08 78.9 29.3 30.3 125.9 99.4 363.8
2020-09 80.2 30.3 30.7 134.8 102.4 378.4
2020-10 85.0 32.4 31.2 138.5 106.5 393.6
2020-11 89.3 33.8 32.9 139.0 107.5 402.4
2020-12 87.7 33.9 33.1 132.8 108.8 396.3
2021-01 85.6 34.5 32.7 136.9 110.5 400.3
2021-02 81.3 34.8 31.6 136.6 112.2 396.4
2021-03 82.1 36.8 32.5 143.5 116.3 411.1
2021-04 84.1 37.5 33.6 147.7 117.6 420.5
2021-05 89.1 38.3 34.5 156.1 121.1 439.0
2021-06 93.7 39.1 35.3 157.9 122.5 448.5
2021-07 98.0 38.7 36.3 159.6 124.0 456.7
2021-08 103.3 39.5 37.6 165.7 127.2 473.2
2021-09 107.8 40.3 38.4 168.6 129.7 484.8
2021-10 110.4 41.5 39.0 169.5 131.0 491.4
2021-11 115.3 42.9 39.5 170.2 133.1 500.9
2021-12 121.4 43.0 39.4 171.6 133.2 508.5
2022-01 120.0 44.4 38.9 170.4 133.7 507.4
2022-02 116.8 45.1 38.6 166.7 133.2 500.4
2022-03 115.0 46.3 39.1 168.3 137.1 505.8
2022-04 119.7 44.7 39.9 166.7 138.5 509.4
2022-05 123.3 44.1 41.3 168.7 139.1 516.5
2022-06 121.1 43.5 40.9 162.4 133.8 501.7
2022-07 118.4 44.7 41.1 156.7 129.1 490.0
2022-08 114.8 45.2 40.3 148.7 123.3 472.4
2022-09 120.3 45.2 40.5 144.1 119.9 470.0
2022-10 123.3 45.3 40.6 142.0 118.3 469.4
2022-11 121.7 44.8 40.2 134.4 114.7 455.8
2022-12 114.0 44.6 40.0 126.8 110.7 436.1
2023-01 105.1 44.8 39.2 116.6 107.7 413.3
2023-02 99.5 44.7 39.0 109.7 104.0 397.0
2023-03 96.1 46.0 38.6 111.0 106.7 398.3
2023-04 95.4 45.7 38.9 114.8 106.1 401.0
2023-05 97.3 47.0 39.2 120.0 108.4 411.8
2023-06 103.5 47.1 39.7 124.2 107.9 422.3
2023-07 110.0 47.3 39.3 127.4 108.2 432.2
2023-08 115.1 46.8 39.2 129.9 109.5 440.4
2023-09 117.9 48.2 39.1 130.5 113.2 448.9
2023-10 121.3 48.3 39.3 138.5 118.7 466.2
2023-11 126.0 47.3 39.1 144.6 122.9 479.8

Source: Semiconductor Industry Association
Note: Human error may have been included in the data entry process.




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